TreePanel generated from TreeStore
Apparently, generating a treePanel from a treeStore is not 'out-of-the-box' like generating a grid or even generating tree from static json in Ext-JS.
In addition, at the moment there are not a many examples out there that explains how it should be done. Most of the examples are using a static JSON (memory). But what if you are using a store with an already-made JSON which you need to customize to be a tree?
listeners to the rescue
The way to make it happen, is to alter the store a bit.
In addition, at the moment there are not a many examples out there that explains how it should be done. Most of the examples are using a static JSON (memory). But what if you are using a store with an already-made JSON which you need to customize to be a tree?
listeners to the rescue
The way to make it happen, is to alter the store a bit.
we start by defining a store as usual:
Ext.define('MyTreeStore', {extend: '',config: {someConfig: 0},constructor: function (cfg) {var me = this;cfg = cfg || {};me.callParent([Ext.apply({autoLoad: true,storeId: 'MyTreeStoreID',root: {expanded: true},proxy: {type: 'rest',url: 'http://website/JsonGenerator.php'extraParams: {someCoolConfig: 1},reader: {type: 'json'},// Don't want proxy to include these params in requestpageParam: undefined,startParam: undefined},fields: ['JSONField_ID', 'JSONField_NAME'],// ------------------------------------------------------------------------// this is the important part:listeners: {append: function (thisNode, newChildNode, index, eOpts) {if (!newChildNode.isRoot()) {newChildNode.set('leaf', true);newChildNode.set('text', newChildNode.get('JSONField_NAME'));}}}// ------------------------------------------------------------------------}, cfg)]);}});