
Showing posts from 2007

ASP.NET 2.0 with MySQL 4.1.2 - unicode problem

Hey guys This is my first post and the reason i've actually started this blog. you see, it's now 3:00 AM here but i could not get sleep until I share this with the world :) during the last few days i struggled connecting MySQL database, version 4.1.2, through my ASP.NET application (using SubSonic DAL btw - great project, thanks guys!), and sending unicode utf-8 format data. The problem was that when I tried saving data (Insert or Update SQL Commands) i got question marks ('?????') saved instead of unicode characters, like hebrew for example. I've looked up at all the forums and I have tried everything. I mean really - EVERYTHING. For example, I've read that I should send, right after I'm establishing the connection, SET NAMES utf8 COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci'; SET CHARACTER SET utf8; So I've tried that... but no good, still got the question marks. I've downloaded the connector code and recompiled it. tried to see what does it sends. The ASP C...